Member Benefits

Associate: $100 Annually

  • Connect your website or blog to the Chamber Website
  • In office Business Referrals and E-Referrals through Website
  • Business Materials available in Chamber/Welcome Center
  • Opportunity to take part in Ribbon Cutting Events
  • Complimentary Member Directory, E-Plaque, and Chamber Window Decal for your business window
  • Listing in Chambers website Business Directory with Business Name, Address, and Phone number only
  • “Perry County” Business Directory Brochure Highlight (up to 50 word descriptions)
  • Listed in various Chamber Sponsored Ads
  • Invitation to take part in Chamber sponsored Trade-show events, with special Chamber pricing where applicable
  • Invitation to attend Chamber networking events
  • Faxing Service ($0.25 each, $0.50 Non-members)
  • Printing/Copy Service ($0.05 per copy, $0.10 Non-members)
  • Opportunity to post “Job Postings” on Chamber Website
  • Opportunity to post business promotions to Chamber Website/Social Media, limit two per year
  • Opportunity to attend training sessions and seminars on a wide variety of business oriented topics
  • Opportunity to be featured in a Chamber Spotlight in the Buffalo River Review when you join
  • Opportunity to be a featured business in the “Member to Member” Discount Program
  • One “Member to Member” Discount Program participation card.
  • Opportunities to help organize community events and promote your business at the same time through volunteering on Chamber Committees
  • Access to Tennessee Small Business Development Center Educational Resources
  • Government Resources and Advocacy at local, state, and federal level
  • Discounted rate for members on Constant Contact email marketing program!
  • “Perry County” Business Directory Brochure Highlight (up to 100 word descriptions)
  • “Member to Member” Discount card for 3 total company representatives
  • Opportunity to post business promotions to Chamber Website/Social Media, limit one per quarter
  • Opportunity to post “Hot Deals” on Chamber Website, limit one per quarter
  • Opportunity to post special events, i.e. Live Music, Book signings, etc. on Chamber Calendar with link to Chamber Facebook and Twitter, limit one per month
  • Upgraded Business Directory Highlight feature 100 words
  • Listing on website including 8 search keywords
  • Opportunity to post an item on the Chamber of Commerce Marketspace section, once per quarter.

Professional: $250 Annually

  • Rotating business spotlight in the Chamber of Commerce/Welcome Center Lobby
  • “Perry County” Business Directory Brochure Highlight feature 100 words and to include picture of business or merchandise
  • 3 Banner Advertisements: Front Page of website, Business Directory Search, and your businesses search results page
  • Upgraded website listing includes 20 search keywords, 5 sidebar highlights, Photo gallery, up to 1600 character description, E-Brochure logo, and enhanced Google map
  • Hot Deal postings increased to 2 per month
  • Search Results Summary
  • Opportunity to have business featured in Chamber Newsletter (Once per year)
  • Invitation to Chamber networking events and opprtunity to be a featured business.
  • Opportunity to post special events, i.e. Live Music, Book signings, etc. on Chamber Calendar with link to Chamber Facebook and Twitter, two per month included with membership
  • Priority placement in all advertisements which feature all Chamber businesses
  • Opportunity to post an item on the Chamber of Commerce Marketspace section, once per month.

Executive: $500 Annually

  • Opportunity to post unlimited items on the Chamber of Commerce Marketspace section.
  • “Perry County” Business Directory Highlight featuring up to 150 words and to include picture of business or merchandise, as well as enhanced logo to further spotlight business
  • “Member to Member” Discount card for up to 10 total company representatives
  • You Tube capabilities on E-brochure Chamber page
  • Search Results Logo placement
  • Opportunity to post Hot Deals, special events, i.e. Live Music, Book signings, etc., up to one per week
  • Executive priority listing in all advertisements which include all Chamber businesses, to include Logos when provided by business
  • Name recognition at Chamber membership dinner, Chamber social events, and Executive recognition in Membership directories.

Civic, Churches, and Non-profits: $50 Annually

Due to the nature of these entities, they do not have the same needs as businesses. They’re involved with the Chamber as a community partner, working towards a “greater good”. Therefore, while the do not receive a lot of the benefits businesses do, they do get extra consideration with some of our “Premier” features. Postings on Calendar events and news items do not have the number restrictions of businesses. They also get certain portions of their member pages enhanced. Also, in some cases where there is a community connection to Economic Development areas, they may have sections in the home pages main menu drop-down where they can write content to be updated for the betterment of the Chamber website and the community as a whole. Other benefits as determined by the Executive Director and the Board of Directors are negotiable.

Individual Memberships $25

We know that everyone in Perry County has a stake in the economic success that is what we work towards, and there are individuals who wish to contribute as well. We have four levels that individuals may join at: $25, $50, $100, and $250. These memberships are not benefit based, although they do count as memberships and as thus carry voting priviledges at membership meetings and individual members may serve on our board. In order to be counted as an “Individual”, you must fall into one of the following catagories:

Be retired or unaffiliated with any business or organization.
A representative of a business or organization that does not recieve benefit from your membership.
*As we look to expand our services and continue to serve the growing needs of our members, membership benefits may be subject to change.